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- AI Support for Crisis Management
- Cyber Security
- AI in Virtual Collaboration, Teaching & Learning
- Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Environments
- ICT Systems and Business
- Digital transformation and digital business models
- Social Media and the Role of AI
- Data and AI in Supply Chain Management
- Academic Business Co-operation
- Ethical Integrity of Research in AI
- Special session: Early Career & Student Showcase
With pride we present the proceedings of the 32nd annual IDIMT Conference.
Artificial Intelligence continues to make impressive advances and almost every month a new system is presented. But does this translate into a proportionate use in business – and as a second step, business advantages? In this conference we investigate various aspects of new developments to ICT itself as well as its use for management and business processes and their transformation. Ethical and security aspects as well as specific application areas (teaching, autonomous vehicles, supply chain management, social media) are touched too, to obtain an encompassing view of the topic.
We have chosen the following 11 topics for 2024:
- AI Support for Crisis Management (Neubauer, Rainer)
- Cyber Security (Sonntag)
- AI in Virtual Collaboration, Teaching & Learning (Jantos)
- Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Environments (Schoitsch)
- ICT Systems and Business (Doucek, Maryska)
- Digital transformation and digital business models (Pucihar)
- Social Media and the Role of AI (Pavlíček)
- Data and AI in Supply Chain Management (Delina, Tkáč)
- Academic Business Co-operation (Pitner)
- Ethical Integrity of Research in AI (Lisnik)
- Special session: Early Career & Student Showcase (Sonntag)
Based on a double-blind two-step review process we have selected 54 of the submitted papers with a totality of more than 126 coauthors. The program ran in two parallel streams.
The authors come from 11 different countries: Armenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.